Features functioning dyphthongs vocals of the dialect village Horobychi Horodnya district, Chernihiv region


O. V. Yusikova


The article discusses diphthongs vocals in the phonetic system of the village dialect Khorobichi
Gorodnyansky district, Chernihiv region, a typical East- Polessye dialect of Ukrainian-Belarusian zone of transition. Diphthongs retain the unique sound palette, their performance strongly supports the opinion of scientists that diphthongizm is one of the typological features of the North-Ukrainian vocal system. Operation diphthongs vocals have long been interested in how researchers Polessye dialects and Ukrainian dialect continuum in general. Study their functioning and remains relevant today and not fully resolved the issue. Phoneme in today system vocalism investigated dialect functions such diphthongs versions: (respectively unstressed position is represented phoneme e). The dominant feature of the opposition stressed and unstressed vocalism investigated dialect is functioning in the shock position yo diftongic phoneme (or unstressed position is represented on the phoneme o). Diphthongs reflex yo with a uniform distribution of duration and intensity of the two phases of articulation is one of the most archaic stages refleksatsii, unlike diphthongs uneven duration and intensity of the articulation of the two phases – уо , уо, in dialekts with more intense effects Belarusian уо option prevails.




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