
Valentyna Volodymyrivna KALKO


Introduction. Actual dichotomy beautiful/ugly representing the dual human perceive of milieu is a universal opposition for describing basic linguistic picture of the world. It as well comes to specify the mental conceptual sphere and national values. Aesthetic evaluation, analysis for attributes and predications expressing the immediate and concrete perceive of beautiful and ugly reality, its perceptual investigating and discovering it through artistic imagery which, due to sensual stipulation, re-creates the reality, is generally awaiting to be fully and systematically described. Purpose. For those reasons the article is purposed for complex analyzing the verbal representation of the negative aesthetic evaluation in the Ukrainian proverbs with the regard of cognitive instruments of the national conscience. Results. Aesthetic evaluation is the evaluation subject’s approach (positive, neutral, negative) towards the objective value, taken as an attribute of the estimated object viewed from the ethnic images of beauty/ugliness. Ukrainian proverbs’ structure represents fewer negative aesthetic evaluations than positive. Negative evaluation is foremost represented through negatively connoted lexemes. The logically structured linguistic picture of the world in the sphere of everyday usage, especially for its evaluating segment, in the number of negatively marked proverbs is based on certain game element. Negative aesthetic estimate connected with mean human appearance is mostly based on zoomorphic metaphor. Ukrainian proverbs reveal the ugly image in connection with moral evil, so the aesthetic evaluation is ethically correlated. Utility estimate is associated with that of the aesthetic sort within the WELL-BEING concept. Originality. In the Ukrainian paroemiac picture of the world negative aesthetic estimate is extended for the HUMAN concept exclusively and reveals unpleasant emotions over human appearance, as well as refusal from anything that argues traditionally accepted beauty images. The Ukrainian proverbs generally represent synthetic approach to the “sublime and profane” dichotomy: aesthetic evaluation is actually followed by the ethical and utility ones. Conclusion. Aesthetic negative approach is expressed in accordance with individual deviations (those of physic state, also inherited faults and ugly appearance). Further studies lie in describing means of verbal representation for the ethical estimate in the Ukrainian paroemiac picture of the world.




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