Author’s psychologism as a component of the literary text creation


Jana Mykolayivna DMYTRENKO


Introduction. The conception of the author’s psychologism has been researched by many specialists of literature and language study. In scientific works this problem was exploredas the aspect of literary text creation, as the design of the author’s intention in the text and as the understanding of the text without any author’s biographical facts. Considering that the psychologism as the component of the literary text creation hasn’t gotten systematical studying in linguistic yet, this research doesn’t lose its actuality and determine to the interesting observations of the

Results. Explorations of the text in the channel of “non-author’s” traditions, in our view, have limited character of studying. Engaging author’s factors, the text becomes intense with the additional informative capacity and promotes deeper communication level between the writer and the reader. One of the variant of such understanding is the finding of the facts and suppositions of the text writing, due to introducing some additional information about the person of creation, the recipient can see the author’s position in his work.

During the work with the text itself the author’s psychology could be found out on different levels: selecting the topic, the problem, the ideas and realization of them through the persons’ characters in the text and opening the composition, subject, structure. The main mechanism of the author’s ideas incarnation becomes the language of the literary text, because, with a help of the language expressing means the writer makes the influence on the reader. The complexion of these levels is in the root of such concept as the individual style, which builds the ability to study the writer’s literary work as a unique and unrepeated phenomenon.


Conclusion. Researching of author’s personal psychological speciality promotes deeper decoding of the text, helps to find some implied senses (subtext) in researching of the literary work. Realization of the psychologically intensed moments in the act of creation and in the resultative determination (in the text) gives the opportunity to study the language on the literary work on the other scientific principles. 




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