Rendering of connotative information in translation


Iryna Mykolai'vna LYTVYN


Introduction.  The definition and typology of information is an acute problem in translation. The whole process of translation is de-communicative equivalency is the optimal balance of denotative, connotative, stylistical, cultural and pragmatic information of the original texts and their translations (Vynogradov, Selivanova). Information which is represented in the original text is the invariant basis, which should be remained unchangeable in its translation. The purpose of the article is the analysis of peculiarities and means of rendering of connotative information of the original in its translation. Results.On the basis of  the definition of  connotations and the needs and peculiarities of translation, there are different types of connotative information: stylistical, emotional-evaluative, expressive and cultural. Stylistical information may be various: it includes functional-stylistical, which renders functional-stylistical features: style, sociolect, time characteristics of lexical units, and figurative-stylistical, which serves for creation of different stylistical effects of humor, irony, satire, etc. Conclusion.  Connotative information, which lies in the expression of evaluation, emotions, feelings of the author and in the emotional influence on the recipient, reflects th important and difficult task. We all have different cultures, language traditions, different grammar systems anslator uses lexical transformations (evaluative-emotional, expressive, functional-stylistical) and grammar transformations in order to render connotative information. The task of further research is the study of peculiarities and means of rendering cultural information of the original in its translation.




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