Konfiskalni vidadjektyvni adverbiatives in Ukrainian dialects


G. I. Hrymashevych


In the article the secondary dialektni vidprykmetnykovi adverbs are analyzed. They are completed  with helping of two-component morphemes – konfyks, which consist of prefix and suffix. The basic prepozytyvni (prefixes) and postpozytyvni (suffykses) components, which are more in Ukrainian dialekts for composing of vidadjectyvni adverbs are determined; the semantic structure of the analyzed dialektni adverbiatives is depicted ; the formal variety of konfyks in particular and adverbiatives in phonetical line is described. It is caused of phonetical features of some dialects, and the rich of deryvatsiyni dialectal facilities on the word-formation line is shown ; the conformities to law of the combination of proper konfiks with the derivatives of adjective and underi vative bases for formation of adverbiativ es are traced; it is found out, that in the Ukrainian dialects most vidad jektivni konfiksalni adverbiatives
function with semantics of method of action, considerably rare – time, place, measure and degree and reason, thus they are mostly formed by different konfiks; it is outlined the prospects of subsequent scientific searches in the area of dialectal adverbial systems, taking into account semantiko -wordformation structure of adverbs as an unchanging class of words , which is constantly filled up due to the 
second educations, and their functioning, in the modern Ukrainian dialects as a component leksiko grammatic system of dialects.




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