Anthropomorphic metaphor in Ukrainian plant names


V. V. Kalko


The article deals with the complex analysis of anthropomorphic metaphor in Ukrainian plant names  structure regarded from mental perception angle as well as from other generating semanti cs perspective. Metaphor is defined as most effective means of language enrichment, the increase of its semantics resources, and use of a semantic consistency for conveying the meaning of some other one, being in some sense  analogous to it. It was as well signified that in the Ukrainian plant names structure the most productive one a metaphoric model based on semantic transference “Human → Plant” which could be attributed to the national mentality and its “cordis” (heart) centered mental arrangement. The reason for the integration and  its key universal principles lie within its anthropomorphic nature according to which the meanings to name a human, or human body, its properties, actions and states, are employed to mean other semantic terrains including the floral ones. The productive motivating semantic factors to mark the meanings of “Human”  through the concept of “Plant”, could be seen because of similarising their properties to the particularly human ones, as well as to the human body, placing and movement.The anthropomorphic metaphor in the Ukrainian flower names structure is quite numerous and varied, and is based on different types of metaphors, enabling to signify a subject terrain through the semantics of the other one, due to the similarity between adjacent concepts, the diffusive associative complex and linguistic gestalt metaphor.




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