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Natalia ZHUGAN


Introduction. The article presents the characteristic of the weaving vocabulary of the Middle Dnieper dialects in the geographical projection. The results of the mapping made it possible to find out the spatial differentiation of the lexem terms of the weaving system in the contrasting center: the periphery.

Purpose. To represent the spread of the verbal vocabulary in the Middle Dnieper area as a whole, to identify the zone of functioning of the ancient terms, which confirms their preservation in the passive vocabulary of dialectal carriers, to characterize the types of speech habitats and to determine the arealogical tendencies and peculiarities of the development of the Middle Dnieper dialects.

Results. The linguogeographical representation of the terms of weaving made it possible to distinguish such habitats: by location (central and marginal - northern, southern, western, eastern), in fullness (solid, blurred, lace, islands), on the basis of which the differentiation of the arranged studied dialects and the main tendencies of their development .

Originality. The linguistic and geographic characteristic of the lexicon of weaving in the Middle Dnieper dialects and its spatial differentiation have been presented in this article for the first time.

Conclusion. In the course of the research, the state of conservation of terms of verbal vocabulary in the Middle Dnieper dialects has been clarified, this makes it possible to distinguish between central and marginal habitats. 16 central areas are continuous in fullness with minor inclusions of substitutes, some of them (13 cards) are blurry or laced, this confirms the changes in the repertoire of the verbal vocabulary. Island’s micro-habitats are a consequence of the internal development of the studied dialects, because they represent the transformation of lexical habitats due to accent, phonetic, word-formation and morphological variability, the emergence of substitutions from other industrial spheres or commonly used vocabulary, or the spread of terms characteristic of other dialects, or the complete loss of lexical representation. All this testifies to the disappearance of terminalex from the memory of dialectal carriers as a result of the deactivation of weaving.

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