
Lyudmyla LONS’KА


Introduction. When the theory of valency was accepted in the Ukrainian grammar, the problems of predicate investigation became actual. One of the problems is predicate speechcreative potential, which is connected with its valency abilities. The core of locative verbs-predicated is the verb "to stand", which has great grammatical and semanticpotential and significant speechcreative abilities. This predicate forms semantic and syntactic structure of two-part sentences with locative verbs. The verb "to stand" indicates vertical position of somebody or something; it also has the meaning of general being, existence and it functions as a predicate of the sentences of being.

Purpose.  The aim of the article is to analyse semantic and syntactic aspects of sentences with the predicate "to stand". The article also aims at investigating its contexual meanings, and to single out structural models of sentences with the predicate "to stand", and to describe their morphological and syntactic realizations.

Investigation Methods. The main investigation method is the structural one. It is realized through the method of distributional analysis determined by the valency potential of the predicate "to stand". The article also uses the modeling method, which means to single out structural and semantic models of two-part sentences with the predicate "to stand".

The Main Investigation Results. The article gives possibility to use the investigation results for the analysis of any structural and semantic variants of two-part sentences taking into consideration the semantic types of the predicate.

Scientific Novelty. The article analyses one of locative predicates which indicatesa position in space, and which acquires the semantics of being in certain syntagmatic conditions. The author also singles out and analyses structural and semantic sentence models taking into consideration semantic and syntactic valency of the predicate "to stand". 

Conclusions and Perspectives of Further Investigations. The article takes into consideration the wide range of valency characteristics of the verb; it describes the semantics of the verb-predicate as one of most important factors of forming semantic and syntactic sentence structure. The verb "to stand" realizes its divalency in most cases, seldom it realizes its uni-valency. It is able in certain syntagmatic conditions to mean existence and to have semantics of being. The formation of structural models with the verb-predicate "to stand" is determined by its valency, by the type of the actualization of the predicate valency, and by communication aims of utterances. The perspective of further investigations can be determined by structural and semantic analysis of the two-part sentences of being with other predicates.




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