Conceptual Space of the Paysage in French Poetic Discourse of the second half of the 19 th century


O. A. Tarasova


The article is dedicated to the investigation of the structure and means of presentation of poetic information  in the virtual reality of the poetic text, reflection issues of national and author’s image of the world through linguistic consciousness of the writer. The object of the research is the poetic text of the representative of the French poetic discourse of the 19th century P. Verlaine « Soleils couchants ». The subject is linguocognitive and linguosynergetic representation features of the concept SOLEILS COUCHANTS in this work. The purpose of the article is to define explication principles of the conceptual content of the art text describing the concept SOLEILS COUCHANTS as one of the basic landscape concepts of the French poetic discourse of the 19th century. Organization of the poetic text sense is made around the landscape sunset which is the state of nature that correlates with melancholia as a special psycho-emotional state of human consciousness. In the course of the research the theoretical framework of synergetics is used: the role of bifurcation process and fluctuation in the self-organization of poetic information in the space of poetic literary text. The type of connection of text elements in the virtual reality of the symbolist poetic text is influenced by the style of poetic thinking. In P. Verlain’s poem the interconnectivity and conditionality of phonic and semantic constituents are demonstrated. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of stylistic anomalies and 
structural features that have touched the dominant text phrases of the poetic text « Soleils couchants ».




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