
Svіtlana Olegіvna TIHONENKO


Introduction. The abstract deals with the research on grotesque forms in Jonathan Swift’s novel Gulliver's Travels, based on the text of part I of the novel, A Voyage to Lilliput. Following on from the results of factual information, manifestation of the grotesque is traced on different structural levels of the novel. Although it is the novel Gulliver's Travels which is viewed as representing most vivid forms of grotesque, the question of deep and thorough analysis of grotesque forms in the text of the novel is open and timely in the paradigm of contemporary study of Jonathan Swift’s works. Purpose. To research grotesque forms of the novel which are represented on different structural levels of the text and their role in creating full and dynamic authorial artistic universe model and the place of an individual in it. Methods. The scientific research was carried out by means of synchronic analyses. The main method of lingual analyses used in the study is descriptive, but observation, interpretation and classification methods were used too. Results. Analytical research of the grotesque forms in the sense space of the text of the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift based on the text of part I of the novel, A Voyage to Lilliput has demonstrated role and meaning of the grotesque in the structure of the text and revelation of artist's intention. The importance of research of the grotesque forms gives a possibility to understand all the sense levels of the text, estimate its literary and aesthetic value. Originality. The abstract views grotesque forms of the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift and makes an attempt to understand the nature of the grotesque in the text as an ambivalent phenomenon, as an artistical device, means of typification and artist's paradigm. Conclusion. In the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift grotesque forms manifest themselves on different levels of the text, which helps the author to create an artistic universe model. J. Swift, having used various means of grotesque, which can be viewed on different levels of the sense field of the text, creates an artistic model of the humanity. The above mentioned aspects do not settle a question of thorough analytic research of the grotesque forms of the novel. We view as interesting and timely a prospective deep analysis of all the parts of Swift’s novel in the comparative aspect and their organic unity from the viewpoint of demonstration of grotesque.




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