Introduction. Poetic language has its own independent character in comparison to the everyday language. According to G.G. Gadamer, the truth is in itself (language); the artistic language represents, depicts and plays something in front of us. Among the figures that are decisive for the poetic language uses rhythm and meter. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the foundations of the methodology and the system of methodical approaches of working with the poetic work and practically implement them in a holistic literary analysis of poetry by Lina Kostenko, "I do not know if I'll see you or not." Results. Summarizing different approaches to the literary analysis of poetry, among the main levels of it, one can note the following: a) metric-rhythmic; b) strophic-compositional; c) lexicalphraseological; b) intonational-stylistic, phonological, rhyming; c) grammatical, morphemic, d) semantic approaches. Perception of poetry is always a tension between the empathic capabilities of the reader, creative articulation of various emotions. Unlike the epic and drama genres, there is a special psychologism in the style of the dominant lyrics. Here the inner world of man is comprehended mainly through the prism of emotions, feelings, and it is revealed predominantly in the static manner, but it is done more deeply and quickly than in the epic. It is worth remembering that in the poetic work the plot does not get a lot of attention. IInstead, all attention is focused on the development of a feeling. Emphasize the following compositional stages of deployment of a feeling: a) the starting point of the development of a feeling; b) the development of feeling; c) culmination (possible); d) summary or author's conclusion. Often the defining part of the verse is the image of the main character. An inexperienced reader, as a rule, often identifies the lyrical character with the author, or in the work with an impersonal form of author's presence in general does not see the author. Typically, the poet presents this image on behalf of the first person - "I". In each lyrical poem the true poet is new "I". The lyricist in his works speaks in different voices as if on behalf of different characters. The image of the hero is closely intertwined with the image of the author, that is, the image of the author, modeled by the writer,(about the "mask"), correlated with the writer, but not identical to him. Literary analysis involves the dismemberment of the structure of the work on its "infinitely small" segments and consideration of each of them, both individually and in interaction, to comprehend its integrity. It is clear that for scientific knowledge of poetry as a system it is an important awareness of the recipient of this particular aesthetic completeness. The genre of "I do not know if I'll see you or not" is intimate lyrics. The ruling type of intonation is intense and, at the same time, trustily intimate, finely nuanced, dictated by the theme of the work, a dramatic feel of the lyrical heroine. We see that her feelings are portrayed as oxymoron; it combines joy and pain, thirst and sorrow. The leading motive of poetry is the experience of pure light love, which is comprehended and perceived as a happy invaluable gift. The awareness of the contradictory nature of this feeling comes to the author in the collection "The Rays of the Earth," the epithet of "light love" gradually emerges and becomes typical for her intimate lyrics, which shows how deeper her understanding of this phenomenon is. Sometimes the unpleasant side of love which is suffering occurs over time, because in it the lyrical heroine feels the path to inner purification, catharsis ("It will be easy to do it, with the touch of a feather"). The inner drama of the lyrical situation is embodied in the structure of the text "I do not know if I'll see you or not." The poem is built on the principle of a monologized dialogue which is an expanded appeal to a second person. Originality. For the first time in the Ukrainian literary theory, the bases of methodology and a system of methodical methods of work with poetic work have been theoretically substantiated and practically they have been realized in a holistic literary analysis of poetry by Lina Kostenko "I do not know if I'll see you or not." Conclusion.Our observations show how the primary emotion, the impression comes to the mind and gives birth to a secondary experience, as a real sense of experience, understood by the clear mind of the lyrical heroine, which turns into a concept of love. The poem is written using a five-stroke Iambic, who acts as a leader in the Yambic miniatures of the poetess. A literary analysis of poetry by Lina Kostenko "I do not know if I'll see you," revealed a close connection between the lyrical plot and the individual components of the structure of the poetic text, which ensure the completeness of informative value and aesthetic content.