
Inna Vasylivna TKALYCH


Abstract. Introduction. The article is devoted to the defining the genre of "Valdshnepy" by M. Khvyliovyi. The author of the article believes that this is a novel dystopia and there is always as a parody of the artistic or social utopia. In the pamphlets Khvyliovyi creates a new society theory, but in the novel "Valdshnepy" denies the Bolshevik utopia in a totalitarian state. Purpose.Iin this article, we have to find out the genre of the novel of M. Khvylovyi "Valdshnepy" in the context of the then antiutopia literature. Originality. To clarify the question of the genre of "Valdshnepy" from time to time back Ukrainian literary critics. The scientists have formulated several definitions: a novel of political ideas, the novel-pamphlet, the novel of social thesis, the intellectual novel, philosophical novel, political novel, and even the erotic novel. However, this determination does not fully reproduces the stylistic specificity of the works, in particular, does not account for the comic component of the text. Therefore there is a need to study the novel as a dystopia. Results. For writers-antiutopiais notimportant social order, but is most importantthe mental state of a person in such a utopian state. Because of its romantic worldview, Nicholas M. Khvyliovyi managed to simultaneously be both the elements of thinking. On the one hand in the pamphlets he’s building his own conception of a new age society the Asian Renaissance and the novel "Valdshnepy" denies the Bolshevik utopia in the totalitarian culture. According to the laws of the dystopian movement of each of the residents of the state of programmed and cannot go beyond a clear limit. The conflict begins when the hero refuses to participate in the ritual and the existing social system and tries to choose his own path. The hero thinks over his situation, resists and hits in the ironic and tragic situation. The love story is powerful in the novel. The totalitarian utopia tried to regulate all spheres and even intimate, erotic and generally considered something unacceptable. Dystopia defends the human right to the individuality, the privacy, and the works are often marked by the erotic issues. An intimate area helps the hero to express himself, perhaps this is the only place where he believes in himself. Aglaia identifies Dmitri as a rebel, gives the opportunity to see itself as, to understand the causes of mental suffering. The spiritual slavery of man embodies the image of Anne, even more than underlines the absurdity of the situation their life together. Karamazov doesn’t love his wife. To the peculiarities of the genre of dystopia we can include the denial of the past. Dmitry Karamazov says the ironic speech about the inhibiting role of Shevchenko in the development of the Ukrainian nation. Here we hear the voice of the author, because of his creative relationship with Shevchenko is quite obvious. M. Khvyliovyi itself has repeatedly stated about the authority of the predecessor in his work. He perceives the senior writer as the predominant structure, the boundaries for which M. Khvyliovyi never to come out, another ideal or utopian organization with which he has to fight. And the latest symptom of anti-utopia is the contrast in the social conditions and a natural. All the characters came from the city to relax closer to nature. Most conversations and discussions occur during a walking. It is creating the perfect background for the heroes thought. About the anti-utopian character of the work indicates intertextual plane and its presence the texts by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Thus, author lends the name of the main character by the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" by Russian writer. Dostoevsky rightly considered a pioneer of the genre of dystopia in his time. In the novels of Dostoyevsky illustrates the new world from the inside, through the eyes of a man who lives in it, and which turned into a part of the great state mechanism. A works conflict arises when the hero refuses the rules of the new society. Conclusion. In the existing definitions of the genre of "Valdshnepy" by M. Khvyliovyi is quite reasonable to add the wording of the dystopia novel, because in it there are all the signs of this type of works.




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