
Mykola Ivanovych KALKO


Introduction. Analyzing the progress in the Ukrainian linguistics concerning aspectual studies reveals a number of investigation perspectives, admitting the prior one, a most detailed scholar regard for coordinating the mutual effect of both grammar and vocabulary in the sphere of aspectuality, as well as connection of the aspectual verbs proficiency to their lexical meanings, and, allegedly, the obvious peculiarities of the extra lingual situations reflected in it.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to prove the necessity of regarding the aspectuality and the category of verb aspect separately, never in the terms of a “binary” system, not to simplify the content of the problem, neither to distract in the verb aspectual analysis from heterogenic, in the terms of aspectual specification, semantic spectrum of the verb lexeme; singling out and specifying the main types of the correlative asymmetry in the polysemic structures of the aspectual partners as joining, in a verb lexeme, the meanings, in the aspectual sense, belonging to quite different categories, some of them enabling the aspectual coordination, while others proclaiming semantic taboos.

Methods. Complex aspectual diagnosing as an integration method, predicting coordinated application of logical, component, word building, opposition and distribution analysis, selection of native correlative discourse fragments, experimental methods involved, especially for transposition, transformation, installation, as well as modeling of the inner tense structure for situations through test dialogues and the like.

Results. Most important, in terms of aspect behavior, types of the aspectual multi category structure that as well determine correlative asymmetry in the polysemic constructions of the aspect partners, are actually: 1 terminative features vs activitive ones; 2) terminative ones vs statives; 3) terminatives vs eventives; 4) terminatives vs relativity features.

Originality. Objectivist approach to aspectuality category in the Ukrainian is most generally outlined that proves the necessity for further linguistic investigation of coordinating grammar and vocabulary in the realm of the Ukrainian verb. That is just the problem of connection of the aspectual behavior in verbs to the peculiarities of their lexical meaning, and, eventually, to the evidently specified extralingual situations that appears to stay under consideration.

Conclusion. Complex investigation for classifying the aspectual semantics in terms of objectivist approach reveals perspectives for analyzing both aspectuality and aspect, enables to single out aspectual characteristics for the verb lexeme and the subtlest shades in its aspectual behavior.




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