Introduction. The author's innovation in mastering the traditional material lies in the uniqueness of his interpretation, which is revealed on both synchronic and diachronic levels. Images, motives and plots belong to important constituents of such tradition and are considered to be peculiar codes of spiritual life of people. Their presence in literary text is caused by various factors: author's guideline,
topicality, universal nature of image content, methods of comprehension, etc. This article gives an insight into the peculiarities of usage and function of traditional images in Ukrainian neoclassic poetry, particularly by Pavlo Fylypovych.
Originality. Ukrainian neoclassicism represented by P.Fylypovych and his co-thinkers is a unique phenomenon in modernism as far as it involves the usage of not only eternal images from the Bible and New Testament, motives and characters from classical folklore, but also modernistic symbols, personages from world culture and national, historical and literary images from Ukrainian classic. This article investigates the reflection of traditional images of different origin in the neoclassic poetry by P. Fylypovych. Purpose. The article aims to clarify the role of traditional images, their style-creative function on different textual levels in poetry by P.Fylypovych, the formation of author's world percep tion in
particular, typical and individual features in interpretation of these images in the context of modernistic trends. Results. The characteristic features of P.Fylypovych's poetics are laconism, philosophical search of universal existential values and optimistic enthusiasm. Among the mythological images, depicted in
neoclassical poetry, semantically and culturally saturated images of Muse, Orpheus and Apollo are prevalent. In the poet's reception they maintain their symbolic meaning and become the subject of discussion concerning the nature of beauty. Functional and stylistic effectiveness of these images is expressed predominantly by a simile. Incorporation of such images in a literary text serves as a signal to a recipient and expands its culturological implication. Effective style-creative role in modeling a neoclassic poetic reality is performed by antique and biblical images, which helps the reader to reconstruct the situation in allegorical forms appropriate for the modern times. Such biblical images as Lazarus and Salome bear tragic connotation and their presence in a literary text intensifies dramatic effect of the situation, specifies the uneasiness of a lyrical character experiencing the lack of confidence in present and future times. Traditional images of national origin, such
as Volodymyr Monomakh, Hryhorii Skovoroda and Yaroslavna, remain the dominants of author's poetic philosophy of history. Conclusion. Traditional images serve to P.Fylypovych as a tool of understanding and interpretation of social phenomena, express his attitude to different events and help to provide a philosophical generalization of universal phenomena. These images also help to objectify the emotional experience of lyrical characters and to determine their psychological type.
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