Introduction. This article suggests classical myth concept investigation due to its influence on formation of theoretical views on philological proficiency. This article deals with mythological structures in modern cultural systems and their possibilities to affect the structure of author's literary style. This article
results in a historical cultural insight in the nature of myth, its historical forms, structures of myth creation found in folklore and literature. Purpose. The purpose of this investigation lies in the necessity to analyze classical myth concept and mythology itself from the point of its influence on the formation of theoretical views on mythologized semantic field of literary genre. Originality. Through the prism if classical myth concept and myth creation, poetic organization of a
literary text can be interpreted in terms of mythological logics. Topicality of this point lies in the possibility of certain theoretical generalizations of mythological and poetical aspects. Results. This article implies that literary texts of mythologized plane are cultural memory reflections with its strong attachment to archetypal universalism of images and forms. The phenomenon of myth creation
is one of numerous phenomena of cultural memory that records actual social impetus of myth, embedding it in certain invariant structures. Their functioning in text and discourse indicates the existence of a certain textual genre, which addresses to myth structure and mythological imagery. It is evident, that every sociohistorical society forms and advocates its own "text-myth" system, these texts are strongly interrelated and are constantly being transformed.
According to Schelling's philosophical doctrine, myth proper is distinguished from poetic fiction and interpreted as a world-view element of creativity. Structures of archaic consciousness, evolving in myth, endow it with poetics and permit to define mechanisms of mythological poetic text formation and its semantic
boundaries. As far as a literary text is regulated by structural laws of myth creation, it is not only correlated with myth but can also produce a number of its own myths. Such correlation allows substantiating the existence of typical narrative schemes (loci communes, formulaic) in folk and literary environment.
Evolution from a folk legend to a modern historical novel is interpreted as an evolution of a single textual structure, embranchment of a single modeling principle. Though the factors of polarization, differentiation, integration of genre elements of the text take place in the process of such evolution, it continues to function as a single text. Conclusion. Mythological poetical expanse from folklore and early literary genres to modern ones comprises a unitary textual structure, based on mythological world-view system. In historical cultural perception this system forms a single modeling principle, according to which the compiling of any textual structure is an aspect of myth creation and can be interpreted in connection with system of mythological views. It is also important to distinguish text from genre, as in terms of cultural myth creation a certain textual structure heightens and dominates a genre.