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Lubov Zinoviyivna SLYVKA


Introduction. The political context is the most important context of national-liberation movement for understanding of the problem of woman’s freedom in O.Teliha’s works. This context is the dominant factor for forming O.Teliha’s conception of the world and creative self-development. Here one should remember about systemic and immanent character of natsiological thinking which possessed its own system creative dominants of significantly idealistic type. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the freedom phenomenon through prism of political and natsiological aspects in O.Teliha’s literary-critical and publicist works. Methods. The dominant methods of the research are hermeneutics (including the method of natio-existential interpretation) and post-colonialism. Another methods of the research are biographical, cultural, historic and natsiological. Results. Interpreting the phenomenon of faithfulness O.Teliha underlines the importance of fanatic devoting of a person to one idea, and people, who don’t do this will never create anything good. She wants to be the spiritual leader and she can be the leader of free nation. She will not follow incultural youth movement but first of all she will apply to own traditions where she will find that facts which will be important for youth’s spiritual liberation and consolidation. O Teliha also notes that in our nation appears quite a new type of a person – the so-called type of cultural, reasonable schemer. For this person the life and serving to his Motherland is a boring duty. The writer defines main features of such type of a person. O.Teliha formulates the goal for modern young generation of educated persons and this goal is to become the leaders of the enslaved nation. This goal defines the specific author’s approach to over thinking of culture leaders and to political (nationalistic) interpretation of various traditions of the enslaved nation being. This new leader must be the chief of the nation must know about different world events and trends, must serve the whole nation in appropriate way. O.Teliha notes distinct anthropologic antinomy in elite nation surroundings. On the one hand the real elite exist and comprise heroes and creators of the life of nation. and on the other hand the artificial elite exist and comprise menservants, slaves, destroyers of the bases of national being. Destroying all alive and independent, destroying their own dignity they (nation leaders) exist owing to it. The main distinct feature of these slaves is the absence of civil courage which is very important to heroic cult. The political and natsiological aspects of the freedom phenomenon in O.Teliha’s literary-critical and publicist works are analyzed. The thing is not about artistic and emotional but ideological, worldviewing dimension of over thinking of this important value of woman’s being, which, truly speaking is considered by the author integrally, in the context the young man being of the interwar period. Simultaneously, a brief outline of visnykyvsky variant of Ukrainian national ideology as freedom creative social conception of the world, which affected the creation of OUN ideology is presented in these researches. Originality. The complex hermeneutic approach to the interpretation of literary-critical and publicist works of the writer-nationalist as natiocentric significative system was proposed for the first time. The interpretation of O.Teliha’s woman being sense in terms of patriotic and political for her thinking aspects was verificated. Conclusion. The significative problem of freedom was very important in the writer’s life and creative works. O.Teliha decides to subject her individual freedom to strong organization discipline for the sake of nation freedom. The political context is very important for deeper understanding of the problem of woman’s freedom in O.Teliha’s works. O.Teliha’s lyrical works help the recipient to over think the lines of deeper woman freedom senses. First of all, to be free Ukrainian woman must be able to get free from unfavourable circumstances of foreign land existence, which is the precondition of forming character able to win. Another freedom creative aspect of woman being is to follow heroic way. That means that a young man (a woman), who wants to be free must belong to national-liberation movement of his nation: through willingness to become the leader of revolution, spreading of heroic national traditions, inheritance of national heroes and overcoming of harmful, destructive traditions. For O.Teliha the personal woman’s freedom depends on national freedom through the active part in cultural and political struggle of the nation

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