Language of protest in modern ukrainian realities

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A. A. Taran


The article analyzes the formation of speech protests in Ukraine in the early XXI century. Particular  attention is paid to the lexeme майдан in its new social-political usage,to its functional potentiality, the role in the modern derivational nomination. The formation of new specialized and expessive-evaluated meanings of the lexemes революція, марш, віче was determined. The influence of new meanings on the paradigmatic and syntagmatic possibilities of words was investigated.
It was found that the lexem Maidan and other activated word – have long learned in Ukrainian  language specific borrowing or lexems, and therefore, Ukrainian developing this area of its socio -political lexicon through internal resources, proving stability and identity of modern Ukrainian nomination and serves proof that we are not threatened by Ukrainian analized language version globish – ukrainish. New nominations confirm the new relationship in cognitive consciousness community and its reflection in language awareness and implementation of new linguistic units . In reality of modern Ukraine Maidan – socially significant for Ukrainian language and consciousness phenomenon that leaves a mark in the Ukrainian language, because language is inseparable from the history of his people. It is doubtless that the words of the street Euromaidan – words witnesses, speech signals , the original «storage unit events in our memory and they act like flashes that instantly illuminate these events». Exploring new areas such as cognitive space Ukrainian language opens up prospects for the theoretical understanding of trends in the lexicon of new social and political conditions of use of the Ukrainian language.

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