Cognitive Anthropomorphic Metaphor in Political Discourse of "Quality" Press

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O. A. Liaschenko


In the article the role of anthropomorphic metaphors in the structure of communicative message of a  newspaper text in periodicals «The Economist» and «The Wall Street Journal» is analyzed. The articles of ‘quality’ newspapers are designed for an educated recipient that can decode various explicit and implicit meanings of metaphor in close connection with a general idea of a text. Anthropomorphic metaphors are most often used to liken a state to a human body. With the help of stylictic device of personalization the state and social institutions can behave and feel like humans. In a political discourse of a newspaper text the identification of countries and certain institutions with individuals adds dynamics to a text, creating a particular conceptual image and character of the state. Anthropomorphic metaphors increase emotional 
aspect of the text, help to convey semantic accents more clearly, smooth things over, or, vice versa, reinforce the important details in the interpretation of socially significant events and phenomena. In addition, they help shape an author's attitude to the analyzed facts more clearly, this attitude can vary from positive to ironic or negative.

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