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Introduction. The article offers insight into the status of auxiliary parts of speech in contemporary Ukrainian linguistics. It also highlights key conceptions of the types of particles and provides analysis of their differentiated attributes.

Particles in Ukrainian language constitute relatively small class of words, which is quite controversial regarding characteristics. It has to be mentioned, that the issue on extraction of sub-classes into classes of actualization marks is not completely solved, as construction of particles is not characterized by accuracy due to the absence of a unified principle of classification and linkage of etymologic-semantic and syntactic-functional principles.

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to analyze the functional manifestations of connective particles in Ukrainian publicism.

Results. Particles class remains a subject for deep and multidimensional analysis in modern linguistics. Putting one or another functional-semantical property of particle in the forefront, scientists treat its classification differently. Besides, defined classes of particles are qualified unevenly: as classes under meaning or meaning and function, under meaning and use; or as classes under place and role in linguistic units or under role in word and sentence; or as a group under the character or expressing relation to communication etc. In our thinki

ng, the most persuasive is classification, which defines three key sections of particles: phrase, inflectional and word-formative.

The modern understanding of the particle is predicated on with a sequential analysis of a broad and narrow view of its nature, since in the original sense the notion of "particle" was identified with all official words (preposition, conjunction, particle-links and particles as such) and in the narrow approach the notion "particles" refers to a special class of words. As a part of speech, they are qualified as providing various additional shades to independent words or whole sentences, as well as used to form words and their forms.

Most of the particles in its meaning are the expressions of modal shades and tends to the category of modal words. Such a modality may be of a general sentence nature or relate to a separate component of the sentence.

Originality. We recognize a special lexical importance of the particles. On the one hand, its specificity lies in the fact that it is an integral part of the modal (in wide sense) meaning of the whole expression. On the other hand, particles are one of the main means of representation in the expressing of pragmatic meanings. Semantics of particles is functional and pragmatic.

Conclusion. The boundaries of particles as a separate category of words are relative. First of all, this is due to the heterogeneity of functions of these service units.

In functionality, the binding ability of a particle in different syntactic units brings it closer to the conjunction, but the atypical conveying of the relations between different parts does not allow to qualify it as a full representative of this lexico-grammatical class. This functional feature makes it possible to classify it as a syncretic service word - a conjunctional particle.

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