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Creative figure of Tanya Malyarchuk as the author of five collections of short prose and novels («Up Down», «Biography of the Random Miracle», «Endspiel Adolfo, or Rose for Lisa» «Oblivion») is singled out among the modern cohort of talented artists of the literary word. Her prose can be characterized by all artistic canons such as organic, unity of content and form, integrity, originality, creative freedom, sense of measure and taste, and motive of the female being in the focus. Formation of the personality, all stages of the psychologic conflicts, protest and revolt against traditional norms turns into the psychoanalytic discourse of women`s self-awareness in writer`s texts. The individual biographic experience becomes a grateful material for psycho-interpretation of the female soul, its ontogenesis, analysis of the unconscious in the text. Purpose is to study specifics of the literary reflection of feminine self-awareness and creative psychology in the book «Endspiel Adolfo, or Rose for Lisa» of 2004th in the light of psychoanalytic concepts. Methods used in the article are hermeneutic, psychoanalytic and structural-semantic ones. Results. Analysis of tales by Tanya Malyarchuk allowed us to find out function of the narrative subject in her literary texts relied mainly on the woman. Her self-identification is expressed through the prism of reflection, hysteria, aggression, uncertainty, passivity, desires of suicide. Tanya Malyarchuk’s book moves in itself the vivid signs of the postmodern psychology, female gender identity. The main means of its transmission are the auto-communication of accentuating the narrative subject gender, phenomenological approach to contemplation of the world phenomena, heroine’s doubts in the adequacy and accuracy of the own self-identification and related psychoanalytic context of the heroine. It’s studied that this takes place for the support of the direct form of psychological reflection, namely direct descriptions of the character’s impressions of the surrounding world and events concerned it, traditional signs as the heroine’s feelings (thinking, wishes, desires), deployed analytical author-narrator’s characteristics of what happened in the character’s soul (available internal character monologues) are presented in the text. Through the form of introvert psychological image there is a direct reproduction of mental processes – both reflexive and emotional ones of young woman being on the path to self-knowledge. Originality. A research attempt of the comprehensive study of psychosemantic features of the feminine self-awareness reflection in the book «Endspiel Adolfo, or Rose for Lisa» by Tanya Malyarchuk is realized. Conclusion. Tanya Malyarchuk’s book has such dominant features as metaphoric, versatile plot, insert episodes, auto-dialogues, vivid imagery, using of dreams as method of autoreflexive artistic thinking. Author’s reflection of the writer over feminine existence unfolds through the important psychoanalytic aspect namely self-realization simulates the process of releasing of the female self-being from stereotyped consciousness, from the family distress. Herewith the writer emphasizes sources of hysteria, suicide, causes and rhetoric of neurotic fear, gradual self-awareness. The ideological and thematic aspect of the novels can be considered as the deployment of various problems such as problems of love, betrayal, existential motives, the problem of woman’s self-formation etc.

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