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Introduction. The problem of studying psyhobiohrafy of writer is important and relevant in contemporary literary criticism. Method psyhobiohrafy allows you to explore the history of the spiritual formation of the artist, his emotions, state of mind, which certainly can be found in creative projections of writer. Sopsyhobiohrafy of writer enables a much deeper understanding of his work. I. Nechuy-Levitsky's creative heritage contains a number of autobiographical works (letters, memoirs), in which the writer tells about the facts and events that have made him the greatest impression and influence, have become decisive in his life's way. The autobiography of I. Nechuy-Levitsky, written in 1881, is the subject of this study. Purpose. To conduct psychobiographic study of I. Nechuy-Levitsky's autobiography, written in 1881. Methods. In this study applied a psychobiographic method. Results. In this autobiographical essay, I. Nechuy-Levitsky seeks to be restrained and rational; he impartially outlines the events that he survived. Sometimes it even seems that he does not write about himself that he is emotionally self-moving from his own memories and depicts them only as an a number of external facts. But on this background, almost ascetic emotional restraint throughout the autobiography, its first lines, poetically-figuratively indicate a very strong Nechuy's attachment to his native place of childhood and growth. After that the author goes to a completely different style of story - restrained, moderate, rational. In this tone, almost officially, Nechuy begins a story about his father. Due to the distance of the father from the family, in the childhood, the distance of I. Nechuy-Levitsky is formed from his father, and instead of him emotional closeness and love for the mother are formed. Nechuy's mother in character is very different from her husband, Nechuy's father. If Nechuy's father completely devotes himself to the priestly cause and moves away from the family, then the mother, by contrast, attracts the love of his children, is a very important figure in their childhood world. Mother was very sincere and open to the world and to her children, she was not emotionally isolated from them, and this, apparently, caused a completely natural confidence of children to the mother, the children's sympathy to the actions of the mother and her beliefs, and hence the desire to follow the mother in to everything. So, as one can draw a conclusion from Nechuy's autobiography, the mother played a key role in his childhood, but he felt alienated from his father, and later, as an insult. In general, this autobiography clearly depicts the key role of the female environment in the childhood I. Nechuy-Levitsky. This environment is very influential on the spiritual formation of Nechuy, on the formation of his knowledge of the world around, the artistic taste, world outlook. Further, in this autobiography, I. Nechuy-Levitsky narrates in detail about his studies in various educational institutions – in the Spiritual School in Boguslav, in the Kyiv Theological Seminary. During his studies, I. Nechuy-Levitsky begins to write artistic works in Ukrainian, his Ukrainian-language work is a form of protest against the great Russian-style chauvinism of many of his contemporaries, against the anti-Ukrainian spirit that is at that time prevalent in Ukraine and, in particular, at the Kyiv Theological Seminary, where then Nechuy learns. I. Nechuy-Levitsky also tells about the beginning of his professional activity as a lecturer in literature in the Poltava seminary and the subsequent vicissitudes in his career. Expressive is his desire to live and work in the Ukrainian environment. Having settled outside the Ukrainian environment, Nechuy feels lonely and isolated, he feels the pain of alienation from Ukraine. At the end of the autobiography, I. Nechuy-Levitsky focuses on memories of the beginning of his own creativity, as well as on the influence on him of the personality and creativity of T. Shevchenko. Even since childhood, Nechuy had a special feeling of involvement with Shevchenko's fate: Kerelivka, where T. Shevchenko was born, only twenty layers from Stebliv, where I. Nechuy-Levitsky, Korsun, where Shevchenko was, was born, for eight layers from Stebliv. For Nechuy Shevchenko is a contemporary, a real person, a countryman who was very close, walking in the same ways, breathing the same air. In general, this autobiography creates the impression that his author is limited to a rational structure. Instead of reproducing feelings and emotions from the past of his life, I. Nechuy-Levitsky only reproduces his memories of external events. He writes about all the events of his life without any emotions, uses descriptive, almost logical style. This story has no emotional presence of the author, his emotional reactions, does not tell about the feelings and excitement of the author, which, of course, he must express when he speaks about the experience of his life. Originality. Now there is urgent need for a detailed study of the autobiographical figure of this writer for a much deeper understanding of his creative works. Conclusion. I. Nechuy-Levitsky's autobiography 1881 is a dramatic story of his spiritual formation under very unfavorable and often hostile conditions. Here the author focuses on a detailed reminder of the events of his life - from early childhood to adulthood, making those unconscious accents that make it possible to read episodes and stages of his personal and creative life. The rest of the autobiographical works of I. Nechuy-Levitsky, as well as his epistolary should be the subject of the following scientific studies.

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