Cognitive Aspects of Understanding Alien Text
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called the hermeneutic circle. To enter the hermeneutic circle, i.e. to understand an author’s intentions and penetrate into deep senses hidden in a text, a reader has to pass the semantic, pragmatic, notional and conceptual levels. The fundamental idea is emphasized that a problem of interpretation is a problem of understanding.
To better understand a text and introduce a reader into its context the cognitive framework offers certain strategies, or heuristics – general principles of exploring an object, inferring new knowledge or solving a problem. Applying the heuristics allows a reader to examine the linguistic, cognitive, originative, and situational aspects of the text. In the article the presumption is made that the adequate understanding of an alien text depends on students’ level of development of linguistic personality, knowledge space, communicative and cognitive competence, worldview, multiple intelligences, individual cognitive features etc.
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