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Liubov Mykolayivna TEREКHOVSKA


Introduction. Comparison is an artistic trope, which lies in determination of the internal and external relations between objects and phenomena. Comparison of nouns of different grammatical genders has its specificity in poetry, because in the rhythmical-intonational construction of the verse it is effectually to compare the words where grammemes of opposite genders are used as the subject and the object serve, and to provide them with the required value – it is one of the indicators of professional skill of the poet and the method aesthetization of the work. The purpose of this article is to analyze the mechanism of creation of comparative constructions with nouns of different grammatical genders and in determining the ways of their semantic realization in the poetic text. Methods. To achieve this purpose the following research methods are involved: comparative, structural, method of modeling, componential analysis, linguistic descriptions of linguistic facts and context-lexicographic method. Results. As exemplified in poetic works of the representatives of the postmodern trend the comparison, in which nouns are used as different grammatical genders the subject and object, is selected. The comparative gender constructions with different groups of dictionary have been analyzed, it is proved that the similarity of nouns of different genders arises based on the coincidence of one or more semes. The most significant feature was highlighted through the comparison with a compared word to which it is distinct. It is found that in postmodern poetry the author's choice of a combined seme may be unexpected, original, in that connection the object and the subject of comparison do not only complement each other with qualitative characteristics, but also give the affective evaluation. It is found that figurative comparisons sometimes emphasize the unusual sign, ignoring the other that change the lexical meaning of the word. The comparative structures with the verbal stem are dedicated, their structure is characterized. Originality. The originality of scientific research lies in the allocation of compared words where the subject and object are nouns of different grammatical genders, the combined seme, which the author actualizes through comparison and identification of the word meaning change by introducing it in the poetic context. Conclusion. It is concluded that comparative constructions with nouns of different grammatical genders take the significant place in the poetry of postmodernism. The difference in gender do not make an obstacle to the originality of forming a trope. Heterogeneous grammemes complement each other in unexpected meanings (the two-way impact: not only the subject affects the object, and vice versa). The trope, which involves nouns of different grammatical genders, draws clearly the image of the author intended.

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