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Natalia Vitaliyivna KOBCHENKO


Introduction.The paper deals with the clearing up of the functions of syntactic triplets (three-members-constructions) of formal model S1+Vf+Adj1,5, where the adjective constituent is expressed with the compound of the proper-adjective and pronoun такий. Purpose. The purpose of the analysis is to explore the arrangement of the double properpredicative connection, that realizes in such syntactic triplets, and the other types of syntactic connection; to study out the ways of transposition of the pronoun такий in such syntactic triplets as well. Results. The double proper-predicative syntactic connection (realized in the syntactic triplets with the compound adjective) interacts with the coordinative connection, the semi-predicative connection, the double mediate connection and the double predicative-correlative connection in the structure of a simple sentence. The pronoun такий has some degree of particularization in the sentences formed with interactions of these syntactic connections. In the structure of the complex sentence the double proper-predicative syntactic connection interacts with the subordinate determinative connection, the subordinate to-word-correlative connection and the undifferentiated connection. The pronoun такий has some degree of adverbalization in the sentences formed with interactions of these syntactic connections. The interaction between the double proper-predicative connection and the double subordinate-predicative connection can be with the intermedium of the subordinate to-word-correlative connection and the undifferentiated connection. Originality. The author has demonstrated how the ways of modification of syntactic triplets of structural model S1+Vf+(такий+Adj1,5) depend on the pronoun такий in their structure, on one hand, and how this syntactic position of the pronoun influences on its ability to transpose to the other speech-parts’ domain, on the other hand. The reveal of this dependence is the originality of the presented research. Conclusion. The grammatical character of the pronoun word такий, which compounds the adjective in the syntactic triplets of formal model S1+Vf+Adj1,5, depends on the modifications of these constructions in the structure of simple or complex sentence. Simultaneously, the availability of this pronoun word in these syntactic triplets predetermines the ways of their modifications. The prospective of our study is to explore the ways and arrangements of modification of the syntactic triplets of the formal model S1+Vf+Adj1,5, where the adjective constituent is expressed with the pronoun такий only.

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