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Olena Oleksandrivna SELIVANOVA


Introduction. Study of the connections in various cognitive mechanisms of consciousness and unconsciousness and the correlation of models’ different components is the aim for the conceptual analysis. The samples of this type of the conceptual analysis are grounded on the mental psychonetic complex. The conceptual analysis based on this model suggests: 1) description of the concept’s nuclear propositional structure containing mental analogues of the situations, related to them and represented in the language signs in their direct meanings; 2) working out different metaphorical correlates of the nucleus in the associative-terminal part of the complex represented by indirect meanings; 3) analysis of model’s modus component, e.i. concept’s evaluative component; 4) finding out connections between propositional, associative-terminative and modus in the conceptual model and mental functions of feelings, emotions, images and collective unconscious (the latter is presented in the consciousness in the form of archetypes); 5) analysis of the pragmatic component in the conceptual model that is considered to be a pattern for using concept’s signs in the discursive practice of the native speaker. Purpose of this article is to determine the correlation between conceptual modelling and cognitive-onomasiological analysis. To reach this purpose certain tasks have to be completed, such as to define the basic model and metalanguage of the conceptual analysis, to characterize basic methods of concept’s study, to describe the procedure of cognitive-onomasiological analysis within the conceptual modeling, to demonstrate the usage of the cognitive-onomasiological analysis to model the concept INSECT in the scientific and naïve worldview of the Ukrainians. The object of this article is the Ukrainian naming of insects and the subject matter of the article is motivational features in the structure of the concept INSECT. Results. To make a conceptual model the cognitive-onomasiological analysis should be used due to the fact that the conceptual information is manifested by language signs. This analysis enables to reconstruct certain fragments of propositional, associative-terminal and modus components of the conceptual model, as well as their correlation with the components of the sensual sphere, images and archetypes of the collective unconscious. This paper uses the mentioned approach to deal with the Ukrainian nomenclature of entomofauna taken from the Ukrainian dictionaries of insects. Conclusion. Conceptually meaningful information is provided by entomonyms that unite different in status motivators. The Ukrainian entomonyms in general have two or three onomasiological features and predominantly are compound naming that on the one side bear the objective information about an insect and on the other side expose its naming due to the metaphorical analogues that simplify differentiation.

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