Shaping of the analysis of flash fiction in higher educational establishments (based on the story of "Haidamaka" by Valerian Pidmohylnyi)

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L. Skoryna


In the system of knowledge and skills of students-philologists, higher priority belongs to the analysis of piece of writing. This article contains general recommendations according to the questions of the analysis, interpretation of flash fiction (stories, short novels). Theoreticalgeneralizationsare illustrated bytheexampleofthe story"Haidamaka" by Valerian Pidmohylnyi.First of all, this writing may be interesting because of its problematics. Secondly, an insight into this story helps us to trace the way of formation of Valerian Pidmohylnyi writing talent - from the first stories to novels: "The City", "A Little Touch of Drama." Here is shownan approximate algorithm of the analysis, interpretation of stories and novels, which includes the following components: step 1 – primary insight into the text, step 2 – preparation (conversance with the writer's biography, information about the period, when the work was written, the history of its creation, publication and, if there is a need, examination of supplementary literature - historical, philosophical, theoretical), step 3 – repeated (deepen) insight into the writing, step 4 – interpretation of content, step 5 – analysis of the literary world, step 6 – analysis of compositional form, step 7 – analysis of plot structure, step 8 – analysis of literary speech, step 9 – analysis of genre form, step 10 – clarification of what literary schoolthis writing belongs to, step 11 – conclusions: peculiarities of the writing reception – its scientific (literary), creative and imaginative interpretation (stage, screen adaptation, musical interpretation). This algorithm can be used on the classes of the specialcourse "The analysis of piece of fiction" (in this case all the components of the text should be taken into account), as well as in the process of teaching of the history of Ukrainian literature course (taking into consideration the specificity of the discipline and limited number of hours, this algorithm can be used only partially). It is also necessary to consider that offered algorithm is only an approximate pattern of the analysis, which should be detailed and improved in the process of research of each specific writing: in some cases we should turnattention to the problematics, in others – to the peculiarities of literary world,psychologism, composition, originality of literary speech, etc.

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