The national project of “power philosophy” in Anatoly Dimarov’s legends of 1940th – 1950th

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M. Koreсka


The article is devoted to studying of functioning of author’s consciousness in Soviet cultural region, mechanisms of being of “power philosophy” in projection to Anatoly Dimarov’s literary works. Process loss the writer of a personal "I" reflects the deployment path of the Ukrainian version of the implementation of the official ideology, which takes place in two stages: the artificial imposition of the discourse of power and readiness of the Ukrainian people to accept the reality of both to meet their own needs and expectations. It is found out that Anatoly Dimarov uses genre of legend as treasury of biblical and national folk-ritual culture for the effect of sacralization of the Soviet “Heroic Past”. Absorbing inherent to legend conflict “perishable / eternal” with the advantage of the second Dimarov’s model repeatedly stamps motive of the sacrificial death in the name of “eternity” of idea for joining to the new Soviet society. The study summarized that the author's attempt to apply the introduced "the legend" national archetypes, motifs, ritual organization of time and space to visualize Soviet ideologies led to the loss of internal national-spiritual energy. It is proved that a legend losing its inner self-understanding by stamping of ideology acquires the status of pseudo-legend in this way producing legends as Ukrainian socialist-realistic kitsch.

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