Family correspondences of “Bukovynsky Zlatoust” (Anatoly Dobriansky’s “Letters to Mother”)
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he author studies Anatoly Dobriansky’s family correspondences dated 1952 – 1967th years and addressed to his mother named Faina Vasylivna as the most native person. In the article a wide problematic and thematic spectrum of private letters collected in the book is illustrated, the epistolary self-portrait of sender, specific of relations with Mother are characterized, the cultural, educational and scientific, social, social and political regional/Ukrainian contexts appeared from letter texts and “between the lines” are analyzed; the attention is paid to the style features of correspondences. The researcher believes that publicity of the family epistolary fifteen years in length impulses to some parallels “letter – life”, “text – context”. The author accentuates dramatism of “Bukovynsky Zlatoust’s” biography (in particular two-year Anatoly Dobriansky’s loss of his father repressed in 1937th, difficult relations with his elder brother named Alexander, even their “foreignness”). Thanks to and regardless bitter circumstances Faina Vasylivna and Anatoly Mykolaiovych became close in a special way. Letters of the son to his Mother published through Eleonora Solovey’s efforts prove it. The author inclines to think that in the epistolary book “Letters to Mother” the individuality of Anatoly Dobriansky as bibliophile, philologist, poet, translator, teacher, musicologist is revealed in a special way. At the same time it is stated that regardless undoubtedly private nature Anatoly Dobriansky’s published correspondences largely beyond the private and family field, their value is indeed wider and more global. Anatoly Dobriansky’s epistolary texts presented in the book “Letters to Mother” can be divided into two cycles: 1) applicant /student (1952 – 1957th); 2) post-student (1957 – 1967th). Anatoly Dobriansky’s letters to his Mother are relatively small epistolary array (91 plus one epistle found after the release of the book), but we have the feeling as if the whole era has swum before our eyes. In particular Anatoly Mykolaiovych and Faina Vasylivna Dobriansky were its contemporaries and witnesses. The photo album as the unique component of the book “Letters to Mother” illustrates well the epistolary texts, serves as a “guide” to the life and literary way of Anatoly Dobriansky, also his mother Faina Vasylivna and the whole family Dobriansky biography.
Article Details
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