Literary and printing problems in correspondence of Kesar Bilylovsky and Dmytro Yavornytsky

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J. Sidun


This article is an attempt to explore the epistolary relationship between K. and Bilylovskym D.Yavornytsky, the material form of correspondence creative portraits of Ukrainian writers. The main objective of the research is to study possible forms of creative collaboration Bilylovskoho K. and
D. Yavornytsky. Thus, analysis of fragments of letters that indicate the close relationship between literary artists. In the article the place of publishing in the cultural life of both artists .. In particular, the author violated editions of problems. Both writers are considered as literary criticism. In particular, it is necessary that critical thought Karl was very Bilylovskoho authoritative for D. Yavornytsky. Attention is drawn to the literary and feedback about the works of other writers (B.Grinchenko, J. Schoholeva). It traces the influence of age on the work of contemporary masters of the word. Also outlined in correspondence artists controversy regarding crisis situations literary context. XIX – early. XX century., Which reveals a general picture of contemporary cultural life of the Ukrainian people.It is a literary and creative aspects of Ukrainian literature context. XIX – early. The twentieth century. In particular, studied the problem of recognition of the true literary talent and written disclosure of many things. Much attention is given to describe the specifics of Avtury selection for publications.The article highly potsinovuyetsya talent D. Yavornytsky. Also, the place of historical themes in the works of creative heritage of the writer.Special attention is paid to the publication of the anthology "Fold", which became very popular in literary circles. He urged writers to creative relationships. Based epistolary proved that this literary and artistic almanac has become the strong scientific base that "shed light" on the study of literary relations between the aforementioned artists.

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