Communicative Manifestation of Expressiveness and Expressive in Modern English

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V. О. Velivchenko


This article considers communicative realization of expressiveness and expressive in modern English. It explains the difference between the pragmalinguistic phenomenon of expressive and the linguistic phenomenon of expressiveness. Expressive is a speech act embodied in the utterance, whose communicative purpose is to express emotions and to exert an emotional communicative impact on the addressee. The main characteristics of expressive, as of any other type of speech act, are communicative intention, communicative purpose, and conventionality, which focuses on human factor – the speaker who purposefully uses expressive in order to realize his/her communicative intention. Expressiveness is a property of a linguistic unit, due to which it stands out against the background of other, non-expressive units. Expressiveness can be inherent and adherent. In case it is inherent, expressiveness is constantly present in the connotative component of a linguistic unit. In case it is adherent, a linguistic unit acquires expressiveness in a definite communicative- situational context that activates its expressive potential. In communication, practically any utterance pronounced by the speaker can acquire adherent expressiveness. In such cases, expressiveness is identified by definite textual markers – a descriptive nomination of the expressed emotion or/and a verbal or graphic indication of its paraverbal and non-verbal expression.

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