Lexical transformations in the Ukrainian translation of N. Gogol's novel “The Vij”

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I. N. Lytvyn


The article is devoted to the problem of transformations in the Ukrainian translation of the Russian  literary text. The theoretical basis of the text is the definition of transformations ( as transformation, modification of the form or of the form and the content with the aim to preserve communicative influence on the recipients of the original and translated texts) and their classification, proposed by O. Selivanova. The 
article examines formal and formal-semantic transformations on the lexical level in the ukrainian translation  of the novel by M. Gogol "The Vij". The article analyzes lexical transformations in the denotative aspect which manifests the notional-logical core (nucleus) of meaning (synonymous, antonymous, coreferent,  metonymical (hyponymic, hyperonymic, partonymic, wholenymic, equanymic transformations) and 
metaphorical substitutes) and in the connotative aspect (assessed-emotive, expressive and functionalstylistic). The author characterizes lexical transformations in the nominative aspect, which are the  modifications of the onomasiological structures of nominative units that are accompanied by both retention (formal) and change of their meaning (formal-semantic).

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