HISTORICAL CONDITIONALITY OF CREATING MEMOIRS (by the example of diaspora literature)

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Liudmyla DZHYHUN


Introduction. The epoch-making disturbing events took place in the XXth century, the world was marked by informatization and globalization – all these processes, to a greater or lesser extent, have been embodied in the memoirliterature of the writers of Ukrainian emigration. Purpose. To find out the historical preconditions for the creation of memoirs literatureby the Ukrainian writers of foreign countries, to reveal conceptual genre-style peculiarities in accordance with modern scientific methodologies. Results. The historical conditionality of the creation of memoirs is manifested in the general national context to disclose the truth to the subjective judgment of the narrator, which is expressed in the sum of ideas, estimates of historical events and facts, autonomous thought-making power of the masterof the word.The attention of memoirists is concentrated not only on the historical changes, milestones, turning-point processes of Ukraine of the XXth century, reflected in the biographies of the narrators, but also on spiritual stoicism, preservation of traditions, native word in the semi-ethnic environment as the basic precondition for recognition of the world of Ukrainian history itself, its culture, its continuous existence in the spiritual period of time, and thus expressing the historical significance of the Ukrainian nation in the universal and globalized spiritual context. In the memoir work, the individual way of the writer, the patriotic position in the process of self-realization, self-identification is evident. Originality. In the course of the research it is discovered that the writer is the bearer of progressive, democratic ideas, ideals of spiritual preservation and revival of the nation on the basis of the very cultural identity in the foreign-speaking state. Conclusions. Since in the nature of the memoirs «contains the synthesis of the two principles – the artistic and documentary» (M. Kotsiubynska), respectively, the artistic-documentary reflection in the historical-cultural continuum is combined with epistemological concepts and ontological basis of the profound, encyclopedic knowledge of the historical time space of Ukraine that extrapolates shown in memoirs facts and social phenomena for future processes. The memoir literature of the writers of the Ukrainian diaspora worked for the reader, forming the national consciousness in order to bring the independence of Ukrainian statehood closer.

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