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Nataliya Volodymyrivna RULA


Introduction. The essence of the coordination as syntactic category is still controversial and ambiguous. Functional-categorical approach in the grammar leads to reconsideration of researched category that makes it possible to provide more accurate correctly interpreting. Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the interpretation of the coordination in modern syntactic manuscripts, define the essence of formal syntactic category, identify differential features and limits of functioning. Results. The coordination is the syntactic category that displays a formal grammar connection in the syntax structure. It must be clearly distinguished from semantic and syntactic relations with which it correlates. All syntactic constructions with coordinated connection are divided into basic and secondary. The former include compound sentences. We include simple semantically not elementary sentences with homogeneous members and coordinated phrases to secondary structures. There are often refer to the binary opposition of the coordination and subordinate for the purpose of separation distinguishing features of these categories in linguistic writings. The author often refers to the binary opposition of coordination with the aim of isolating the distinguishing features of these categories. This opposition is not absolute, because it does not cover the entire diversity of syntactic relations and transitional surfaces between coordination and subordinate. A significant number of discharged factual material confirms this view. The question of independence of predicative parts combined coordinated connection is rather controversial. Components of this syntactic structures traditionally considered autonomous. However the independence of grammatical components is not absolute. Compound structures consist of not simple sentences but of the predicate parts that grammatically interdependent. So there is quite reasonable opinion of I. Vykhovanets that coordinated form connection is independent coordination. The category of the coordination characterized according such parameters as syntactic relation as sentences formation and sentences modification. It is debatable question of admission coordinated connection to the phrase generating type. We consider the correct interpreting of coordinated syntactic relation as phrase generating, but in the area of sentence, because the phrase is not predicative syntactic unit. Oridinality. Scientific novelty of research results consists in determining nature of the category of coordination allocation of specific features inherent in this category from the position of functional-categorical grammar. Conclusion. Coordination is a formal syntactic category which is functioning between grammatically predicative equitable parts of compound structures, members of not semantically simple elementary sentence and components of phrase. The distinguishing features of the category of coordination are: relative grammatical independence, interdependence and same functionality of components of coordinated structures, open / closed connection, form of independent coordination, possibility of repetitive conjunctions in components of structures, lack of interposition, sentences formation, sentences modification and phrase generating

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