Danilo Mordovets − some aspects of life and his works

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N. Boiko


The article analyzes some aspects of cultural, social, journalistic and literary activities D.Mordovets - known Russian writer with a deep Ukrainian roots. Most of his creative works owned by Russian culture, but D.Mordovets should insert in the Ukrainian literary context, especially in view of national identity and active part in the Ukrainian cultural and educational projects. Its active participation in cultural and public life of the Ukrainian community in Petersburg; initiating a tradition of commemorating Taras Shevchenko, collection, publication and promotion of works. D.Mordovets contributed to the formation shevchenkiniany, talking about a review of the «Kobzar», article «Anniversary Shevchenko in St. Petersburg» and so on. Analysis of short story late 1850s demonstrates its relationship with the Ukrainian literary tradition in style and ideological problematic level. In the center of the author's observation - life «little man» full of daily trials, caused by social injustice. These works in style and subject matter close to the «People's stories» Marko Vovchok, but not epigonous. Thesis there is determined lyricism, humor and irony small prose as features individual style of the writer. Prose end of 1880 is characterized by genre and stylistic innovation, talking about arabesques, small fragmented prose; this series of works analyzes arabesque «Sleep - not a dream». The creative works of the writer of this period a number of artistic and historical works, which the author sought to popularize the history of Ukraine, to familiarize readership of outstanding historical figure. However, the author's specific approach to the depiction of historical reality - anachronism - caused sharp criticism and reduce the reader's attention to the works.

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