Syncretism as a Literary Principle (Based on the Short Stories by Hrygory Kosynka)

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L. Kavun


The article conducts a research on the problem of syncretism as a literary principle. It is theoretically based that syncretism is an inherent characteristic of literature and one of its essential characteristics which is preserved in one form or another in a given ratio at all stages of verbal and figurative art. We understand syncretism as a unity, integrity, coexistence of organic phenomena at formal, functional, semantic levels, each of which in relation with heterogeneous components form the work of art. In the literature, this unity permeates and unites all areas of an artistic language and style, patterns of verbal imagery, families and genres, authorship, motif, plot. This general principle finds itself in prose and at types and genres, and in the plane of poetic language and style, as in the structure of artistic imagery, narration etc. Syncretism is trulythat organic chaos, historical womb from which the modern consciousness and art emerged; it can be compared with inmental to mythology, memory culture, archetypal structures that anew skilfully recreated in fiction. And later - at the time of its formation - each literature is experiencing a condition akin in type of syncretism. The analysis of the works of Hryhory Kosynka allowed to distinguish syncretic genre and style of Ukrainian modernist prose. as it is demonstrated in three forms of expression: song, speech and narrative, that manifests itself subjective syncretism (the integrity of the author-hero-reader).

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