Art as a way of harmonization of human psyche

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V. Pakharenko


Article of VasylPakharenko “Art as a way of harmonization of human psyche” is devoted to studying of specific and logic of appearing and coexistence of objective-rational and subjective-emotional dominants of human psyche incipience, and establishing of productive dialogue between these systems as function of art is also analyzed. The author provesvital need of the harmonious combination of conscious and unconscious psychic aspects for man. In ancient times thismission has been carried with archemyth throughritual. As a result of development of individualism intimatereligiosity, art and essay philosophy have taken this mission. In this triad art has become a constructive backbone through the ability to combine universal and specific-sensual, the mergence of gaming, esthetic, cognitive and educative. Creation of another life, output from “this world” to another space, freeand beautifulspace are the ultimate goal of art. But also art is oppositional for its inner essence. Romantic and realistic, visionary and psychological dichotomy is revealed in it. Dualcoordinate system is both a minus and an advantage of art. As minus and flat plane this dualismis made by mediocre artists, partly leveled by talented figures and transformedintothe advantage by geniuses.

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